The UMW Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM), continues to be a great blessing in my life. They have daily Mass, opportunities for Adoration and Reconciliation, as well as free suppers every Sunday and Thursday after Mass. One of the components of the Thursday suppers is a guest speaker. This semester, the talks are all centered around leadership!
So far we’ve had the follow speakers:
- Sr. Liz Sjoberg, a UMW alum and former CCM president, who spoke about leading with a servant’s heart
- Stephen Carattini, President and CEO of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington, who spoke about leading with mercy and compassion
- Kevil Bohli, Executive Director of the Office of Youth, Campus, and Young Adult Ministries for the Diocese of Arlington, who spoke about leading with ingenuity and engineering
They’ve each brought a different perspective to leadership, and it’s been inspiring to see how both those in consecrated life as well as lay people can be leaders in the Church and disciples of Jesus’ love. We are all given different gifts and talents, and each one of us is called to use those gifts in service of others in various ways.
We have some great speakers lined for the rest of the semester, including:
- Col. Alex Miravite (Ret.), 16th Presidential Pilot Commander of Air Force One, speaking about leading with sacrifice and balance
- Annie Ray, a Grammy Award Winning Music Education speaking on leading with creativity and inclusion
- Fr. Brian Barrons, who was a missionary in China and will talk about how to lead with a missionary spirit
I’m looking forward to the rest of the leadership talks. They’re open to all UMW students as well as Fredericksburg community members, no matter your religion, so come join us on Thursday nights!